Registration Closed History of Information and Computing

Registration is closed. This class has already taken place. Please check the schedule for a future class.
  •  September 22, 2020
     1:30 pm - 3:30 pm

Fee: $10.00

Seminar. Pre-Req: None

Instructor: Tom Ogburn

Today we take all our information technology processing abilities and instant access to information for granted. This ability actually has evolved over thousands of years. Papyrus and ink were discovered around 2500 BC and the next 4500 years is packed full of many exciting inventions, machines, processes, and technologies that bring us to today. In this seminar, you can take that exciting 4500 year trip in two hours. And develop a deeper appreciation of what we have today.


Venue Website:


We will be using the video meeting application ZOOM. Instructors will contact registered students directly to make arrangements for online access.