June 9, 2023
3:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Fee: $10.00
Pre-Req: None
Instructor: Tom Ogburn
Have you seen the TV ads for 5G and wondered what they were talking about? They tell us 5G is coming — we better get ready. What are we supposed to do? How about IoT? Haven’t heard much about that? It is a very important part of new technology coming with 5G. This seminar will leave you with a new appreciation of technology evolution over the next 5-10 years and how our technology lives may change.
Location: The Cambridge at Brier Creek
Venue Phone: 919-737-7000
Venue Website: https://www.cvsliving.com/brier-creek/
From I540, take exit 4B, US-70 W/Glenwood Ave toward Durham. From US-70, turn right onto TW Alexander Drive just past the Brier Creek shopping center. The Cambridge will be on the right.